Specialized Staffing
TMG’s collective reputations and professional expertise enable relationships throughout the SOF, SUAS / C-SUAS, EMT, Security and EOD communities. These relationships support our reach back into relevant and current career populations.
About Specialized Staffing
TMG provides JSEOD training pipeline support with Tactical Divers, Athletic Trainers, EMTs, Advanced IED Fabrication, Logisticians, and Administration Management. In addition, TMG supports the US Coast Guard global CBRN training and certification program with our certified training instructors. TMG also provides C-UAS operational support and SOP/TTP development for the FAA, SLED, and various government agencies.
• Demonstrate basic work-readiness skills and habits including punctuality, organization, productivity, cooperation, and the ability to work well with others.
• Ability to work independently on day–to-day responsibilities.
• Find information necessary to accurately understand work related topics, problems, issues, and the ability to communicate his/her interpretation of this information to others.
• Identify personal and professional strengths and areas in need of improvement.